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Discord Rules:

1. Do not spam.
2. Do not be toxic to anyone.
3. Be Respectful.
4. Do not be racist.
5. Do not use @ everyone unless you get permission from a staff member.
6. Do not advertise.
7. Do not post links.
8. Do not send NSFW content to anyone as it is not appropriate.
9. Refrain from speaking languages other than English as English is the main language on this server.

In game rules:

1. 7 players in a team is the maximum.
2. Be respectful to everyone.
3. Use common sense.
4. If a staff member abuses their perms report them to Kiro, Kevin, or Duck.
5. No hacks or other third party mods that give you an advantage.
6. No glitched bases.
7. No claim flags at loot spawns.
8. NO Racial Slurs (1 Warning then instant 1-4h ban)
9. Do Not be extremely toxic.
10. English in world chat.
11. Do not spam. This will result in a kick.
12. Do Not talk in all caps as it is annoying and obnoxious.
13. No advertising. This will result in an instant ban.
14. Do NOT build large structures in loot spawns.
15. Ban evading is not allowed. +2 days to your current ban
16. Teaming with a hacker will grant you a punishment.
17. Dddos threats will result in a permanent or lengthy ban, at staff discretion.
18. Do not block high value loot spawns. (Military/ranger locations, S7, Deadzones,  etc.)

19. Do not impersonate staff.

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